About Us

interested in learning more about aviation as well as sharing their own knowledge.
Chapter members are involved in a variety of social and educational activities,
including Young Eagles rallies, fly-ins, building seminars, and volunteering for
the annual Camarillo Air Show.
Board of Directors
- Ali Moghaddas, President
- Robert Applecart, Vice President
- Dawn Maloney, Secretary
- Barbara Filkins, Treasurer
Al Cossey, Director, Absent - Ron Hirsty, Director
- Jim Peters, Director
EAA Chapter 723 holds its regular monthly meetings
Next Meeting: May 13th At 10:00 AM
Please bring a check for $35.00 for the membership dues.
Socialize before Meeting: 9;30 am
General Meeting: 10:00 am
Program: Safety topic and video
Addresses: high density altitude and poor climb performance Safety Video titled; ‘Into Thin Air’
EAA 723
President: Ali Moghaddass
Contact: non-e-none | 723membership@gmail.com
Meetings: Every 2nd Saturday 9:30 AM
Location: EAA Hangar 501 Aviation Drive Camarillo, CA 93010
Programs: IMC Club, VMC Club, Young Eagles, Technical Counselors, Flight Advisor, Eagle Flights, Ray Aviation Scholarship